Eye in Sky

Eye in Sky

Eye in Sky

About the App

This is a real-time location-based tracker app which can be installed on your Android smartphones. These app serves to be a very convenient option to track and set meeting points when people are heading towards a common destination.


Android Studio, Java,Objective C, Xcode, PHP, Odoo


User can record location details for future reference and may send it via mail or SMS. Here are the other benefits:

  • Features a simple and easy to use interface
  • Tracking can be initiated and halted at your convenience
  • Receive SMS and push notifications on timely basis
  • Location can be shared despite the type of OS used by others
  • Tracking your location is not allowed without your permission
  • You can easily record your favourite trips
  • A safety pathway is used to share your location easily
  • 24/7 support service is provided

EYE IN SKY app can be downloaded for free and users can experience an extra layer of convenience and protection.


This is a real-time location-based tracker app which can be installed on your Android smartphones. It is a very convenient option to track and set meeting points when people are heading towards a common destination. The app can be great assistance while setting up business meetings. Moreover, the SOS feature makes it an unparalleled safety option for women at emergencies.

How It Works?

  • Download the app on your phone and install it
  • Now you can simply invite your friends or family members from the app
  • Once they accept the invitation, you can track their location and they can track yours too
  • You may also add emergency contacts and send messages by clicking “SOS” button

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