How to Outsource App Development in the Right Way?

All kind of businesses and services are currently standing on the miracles of an app. Any kind of organization, in order to achieve more public connectivity, relies on a relevant app.


If you too are thinking of launching your own business and eventually building your very own mobile app for that, then outsource the app development, that can actually be a much more affordable option and more efficient for many reasons.



A huge number of businesses have started outsourcing aspects of their jobs to save on resources and time and get service on a more professional level.


It is seen that in 2016, nearly 72% of all businesses worldwide have outsourced their information technology-related needs. And the number is continuously growing very fast.


The best thing about outsourcing is that it can considerably reduce your costs, cutting down the quantity of risk which is involved and create outstanding results.


But running your cell phone app from all over the world surely can be very intimidating.


Read Also: App Development-Cost, Design, Development, Deployment


Before you embark on this app development journey, it is best to get acquainted with some useful tricks and tips which are very relevant and effective for handling your mobile app’s development and achieving the best possible outcome.


Before you kick start the process you have to know and understand your requirements. You will have to look for a pertinent experience. You are going to have to ask a lot of questions.


Also setting clear expectations and requesting a project brief after collaborating with a partner is a great plan. You will have to always remember that the key is always communication.


Lets’ have a look at some of the key points you should keep in mind before starting outsource your app development.


1) Know and Understand Your Requirements


outsource app development


Before you begin searching for app development choices, you would like to understand what precisely you wish to get out of the app. Knowing what you want will assist you to communicate your needs clearly to the developer.


If you do not understand, it is quite possible for you to end up with an app that does not mix well with your expectations and/or does not work that efficiently. Moreover, the more changes you want, the more you are going to waste your money and your time.


This brings you to some very important questions that you must consider before deciding what are going to be your requirements.

  • Who your customer is?
  • What is the need for the app you want?
  • What’s the conspicuous characteristic of the app?
  • What other characteristics are you going to need?
  • Is the app better of paid or free?
  • What is the monetization strategy going to be of your app?
  • What is better suited for you, a hybrid app or a native app?


2) Picking up the Perfect Development Option


outsource app development


You have to remember that there’s not one option which is going to be perfect for all of the businesses and apps out there. It will all depend on how you require it or want it and obviously how much you can afford.


So, before you decide who it is that you want the app development to outsource, you have to count the cons and pros for all the options.


You can decide to farm out the app development to specialized firms and agencies which generally have expert teams to present you with good results and an approach which is strategy-focused.


Though this option may be comparatively costlier and is most probably not at all apt for medium or small scale businesses which are generally performing or running operations on very tight budgets.


Outsourcing the app development towards an independent or a freelance developer may be a much more economical alternative for small or medium-small businesses.


Furthermore, even if somehow you do succeed in finding a technically enhanced developer, there will be very little chances for you to have any luck with the strategy aspect and market research aspects of the process of app development.


Still, it would be right to say that independent or freelance developers are actually great only if you do not require a very complex, high-end app, or that all you want is decent and usable customization with a technically and visually sound and good product.


Some other options generally include the app being outsourced to foreign developers and firms who uses drop-and-drag building technique to develop mobile apps.


Some foreign developers can actually offer you the most effective solution for your pocket but they may not turn out to be a good mix for your needs and culture.


Without first-hand experience, they might not target the market needs of your society quite rightly, maintaining the quality standards that you aim to achieve.


3) You have to look for Pertinent Experience


outsource app development

Whenever you hire someone for a particular job, the first thing you look at is their ability to do the work. That aspect is best analyzed by finding out more about their experience.


The same thing happens when you outsource a job to a particular developer. The first thing you look at when you hire them is their portfolio.


You will have to remember though that just seeing their usual experience is not going to cut the clutter well enough. You will have to search for the experience which is actually pertinent to the app development process if you want to have a genuinely great product in your hand at the end of the process.


You can look if the developer, who you want to outsource the job to, created any apps which are similar to your app in before or not?


If they don’t have the exact experience as per your required field then find out if they have experience in a similar field or not. It will help you understand if they can manage it or not.


Read Also: How To Choose the Best Mobile App Development Technology


4) You Will Always Have to Remember That the Main Key Is Communication


outsource app development


You should not even underestimate the power of communication and especially when the thing comes to outsource your app for development.


Remember whenever you are searching to find the perfect developer for your app to hire, you have to search for outstanding communication skills plus responsiveness at the person who is going to do the job.


You can simply go through a simple development process just by making sure that you and the developer both are not frightened to question anything to each other and fix any kind of confusions and also responding to each other.


If you do not communicate very often then it might happen that you are not always in the same chapter as the developer is. That can lead to big-time mess situations, cost problems, conflicts and confusions.


It’s also very important for you to clarify and establish the mediums using which you are planning to communicate in the future with your partner or developer.


For instance, if you are planning using various mediums like a collaborative team effort, then you should email to clarify it with your developer about which channel are you going to use.


Other very common and simple issues include between the clients and developer is that the lack of something called proactive communication.


You should never wait for your partner to ask questions. If you think you need to ask any question or something is not right or there is or maybe any kind of confusion that is going to arise then you must address and clarify the before it becomes a mess.


This can and will help to reduce the amount of time which you would have otherwise wasted by waiting in order to get a relatable question to come up to answer them for the other party to start thinking about solutions regarding it.


You should also never forget about interactive communication which is generally much more useful than addressing communications. You should listen carefully about what your partner or developer wants to say.


You should never just boss them around. You have to make sure that the communication process is generally a two-way conversation, and then you should behave with the developer like a colleague, not a subordinate.


5) You Should Never Back Out on Asking Questions


outsource app development


You should never be frightened of asking relevant questions. Not just in this case but in any case, asking questions is always the right thing.


This is more important in the case of foreign app outsource cases or development relationships where communication is not generally able to flow as it does in proximate cases.


Just remember that if you want to employ someone you should always choose also a responsive person who is always open to having meaningful communication.


When you are interviewing a developer, you should not hire anyone who does not answer the questions you are asking properly.


6) Set the Expectation Perfectly and Clarify Them




This is a very important point especially in the case of outsourcing to an offshore development project.


All you need is to set the expectations as clear as possible in order to make yourself and your partner both understand what you are supposed to do and what you are expected be doing, why and how, when you are doing it.


7) You Should Always Request a Plan Beforehand


You should never think twice to ask your development partner about a project plan before the outsource of the app project.


It is very crucial because it gives you a sense of how much serious your partner is about your app development. The process becomes much more crystal clear to you and you get a sense beforehand so there is no surprise element later.


Read Also: Mobile App Development Market in UK 2019




If you are serious about outsourcing a job to a developer be it a freelancer or an agency, you first need to believe in his or her skills and achievements.


mobile app development


You have to remember that you both have different mindsets, so have trust in them and they will provide you products accordingly.


Whatever route that you choose to adopt in order to develop your app, at the end of the day, you have to ensure that it is a valuable addition to your overall business goals.


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