Top Reasons to Use Cloud Mobile Applications

5 million+ apps are available today between the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. This number is only increasing exponentially with each passing day.


But, a key point to bear in mind is that all of the applications are not developed equally.Historically, mobile applications have being designed and developed as native.


mobile app development


Users would have to download these applications to their devices in order for them to work. Also, native apps are quite specific to platforms like Android or iOS.


To make it possible for apps to work across multiple platforms, app developers are starting to build hybrid apps that work on both Android and iOS devices seamlessly.


Presently, however, the focus is on cloud-based mobile applications. These apps have emerged as a basic necessity for businesses, but yet, there are a number of business owners who are yet to experience the power of cloud computing.


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Cloud computing is transforming the ways applications are created, distributed and scaled. It enables enterprises and individuals to share a pool of resources and reduce operational costs.


There is just not one reason for using cloud technology, but there are several. Let’s take a look.










1) Smooth Database Integration Capabilities


The ability of cloud-based apps to provide seamless database integration is one of the most important reasons to opt for cloud mobile apps and solutions. This is a very basic feature that almost all businesses need to smoothly run their various processes.


The database integration process can be tricky and overwhelming to conduct for some businesses. It may even result in a confusing procedure if done with a native mobile app.

Custom Mobile App - cloud mobile apps

When importing your database information on native apps, it is critical for you to remember that it should be connected with your application. This results in a very time-consuming procedure.


On the other hand, data integration becomes easier with cloud mobile apps. Here, all the data is to be synced with the cloud server. This is why cloud app developers do not have to worry about writing complicated codes to integrate databases when they are building a cloud-based application.


2) Cost-Effective


The cost factor is another important reason why most businesses, especially entrepreneurs, are excited about.You must already be aware that the cost of mobile app development depends on the various features that you are hoping to integrate.


cost effective - cloud mobile apps


For instance, a native Android application takes 2 to 3 times longer than building an iOS development. Also, if you want to build native apps for both the platforms, you have to be ready to spend a lot of money on app development.


This is where cloud apps are a lot more appealing. They cost less! Also, you only have to build them once and they will work perfectly on both the platforms.


Even cloud app maintenance costs lesser compared to native app maintenance.


3) Saves Precious Time


Building an app takes time and not all apps are created equally. Therefore, it depends on how long an application takes to be built.


Coming up with realistic development timelines based on the type of app you are building is crucial.


Development of native apps is a lengthy process. If you are building it with complicated features, the app may take anywhere between 6 and 12 months to be complete. There are some apps that take longer than a year to be completed.


time saving - cloud mobile applications


But, do you have so much time to invest in building an app?


Fortunately, you don’t have to answer that because cloud mobile apps do not take that long to be developed. Also, there is no need for you to go through the developmental process twice.


With a cloud app, you can establish your presence on both platforms simultaneously.


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4) Not Specific to Any One Platform


When it comes to cloud computing, you do not have to choose between iOS or Android. This is because the developer can launch the app simultaneously across both the platforms.


This is one of the biggest advantages of cloud apps – they work across both the operating systems.So, with a cloud app, you can expose your app to a much wider user base.


android app development


5) Installation Is Not Required


Cloud apps do not have to be downloaded and installed to the mobile devices of the user. The interface can be seen by the users and used on a mobile browser.


no install - cloud mobile apps


This is not the case with native apps. The only way that native apps will work is if you install them on your device. Also, when you download native apps, there will be different versions, as well as, updates on the basis of the type of device that you are using.


But cloud mobile apps work a lot like web-based applications. They directly interact with the cloud in order to fetch data and runs smoothly to provide a great user experience.


6) Safe and Secured Storage of Data


Cloud applications can free users from downloading data and storing them on their devices. So, there is no risk of the data getting lost. Also, there is no worry of any kind of app malfunctioning in the case of cloud mobile apps.


You can directly access data from the cloud and enjoy the highest level of security. This is great news for businesses as they do not have to worry about customer information breach of any kind. All of the information is safe and securely stored in the cloud.


7) Ease of Recovering Data


For a native application, the data is mostly stored on a local server. So, in case the server goes down and cannot be recovered, the entire data is lost forever.


As you know, any data loss is not good for either the business or its users. Unless you already have some part of the data backed up, you can look at permanently losing your entire database.


recover data - cloud mobile apps


When the mobile application is hosted on cloud technology, data is stored on not one, but multiple servers. This means that you can easily recover data on the event of any data loss.


So, when one server is down, there are several others that are working. Your data will always be safe, and you can recover it anytime.


8) Enhanced Scalability


Cloud applications offer enhanced scalability, irrespective of it being a mobile or desktop application. When users start using the app, the application goes through a period of continuous upgrades and feedbacks to improve performance and cater to the user’s expectations.


With cloud applications, the developer updates and constantly makes changes to the application with a lot of ease. This is done even without pushing updates to the users as users do not actually download and install the app on their devices.


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To sum up, it can be said that entrepreneurs and businesses looking for an easier and cost-effective alternative for app development should opt for mobile applications developed with the help of cloud solutions.


mobile app development


The main benefits of cloud computing are its security factor, speed and efficiency that it brings to the table. Besides this, it gives businesses the opportunity to launch their app on both iOS and Android platforms without having to develop two separate applications.

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